
08 台灣通訊協會


The Taiwan Communications Society (TCS) Background

In light of the liberalization of the telecom and broadcasting markets and convergence, the communications sector in Taiwan is moving rapidly into the era of competition with diversified services provisions. This indicates at the same time an increasingly complex interaction between policy and the market. Against this background, the Taiwan Communications Society (TCS) was established in 2007 to offer a platform to facilitate dialogues and discussions between various stakeholders in the communications policy-making process to ensure the interest of the public.

The role and function of the TCS

The primary role of the TCS is to create an objective and impartial platform for communications policy discussions between academia, government and the industry. TCS also aims to enhance policy convergence between telecom and broadcasting sectors to underpin a smooth transition into next generation communications environment. Specific functions of the TCS include the organization of seminars/conference on issues relating to communications policies, undertaking capacity-building research activities, and providing alternative dialogue opportunities between government and the industry.

The organization of the TCS

The TCS was founded by the Vice Premier C.K. Mao in November,2007. Vice Premier Mao served as the first chairperson when he was professor of National Chiao Tung University. After he became the Minister of Transportation and Communications, he resigned from the post in 2008 and was succeeded by Mr Arthur Shay, a well-known communications lawyer who was substantially involved in the formulation of communications policy in Taiwan. The second and third term chairperson was Professor Zsehong Tsai. Professor Tsai teaches at NTU’s Department of Electrical Engineering and is also one of the expert members in the design of communications liberalization policy in Taiwan. The current chairperson is Prof. Yu-li Liu who teaches at the Communications College of National Chengchi University. She was one of the first term NCC Commissioners. The TCS is supervised by a 15-member board of directors. As of September, 2014, the TCS enjoy a membership of over 107 individual members and 11 corporate members (all major telecom and cable TV operators in Taiwan).






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